Patrick Newley, The Stage

An article from the stage about Jennifer is available here in PDF format.

Arsala Qureishi & Sabrina Louis, Vandal Movies Pvt. Ltd.

Casting for 'The Unforgettable' is what we considered an arduous task. With her immense experience and in-depth understanding of what 'a film' requires, Jennifer Jaffrey made the casting of 'The Unforgettable' feel like a walk in the park. She is undoubtedly the 'Casting Guru'.

Shani Grewal, Director, Guru in Seven

Without Jennifer Jaffrey 'Guru in Seven' simply would not have been made.

Ismail Merchant, Hullabaloo in Old Jeypore (book)

...she brings the kind of forthright, western approach to her work that is essential for a casting agent, applying standards of selection which western directors working in India appreciate and must rely on...

Zafar Hai, The Perfect Murder

Jennifer has a very good grasp of the cinema & theatre scene here in India relating to her sphere of activity. She was energetic, inventive & persistent in looking for just the right actor or actress.

Joy Whitby, Grasshopper Productions

Her sensitivity to the needs of each script and her exhaustive enquiries into available talent were invaluable. She has a wide network of contacts and a systematic method of documentation which she shared most generously.

Rolf Forsberg, Forsberg Film Group, Inc

Jennifer has been outstanding with her handling of pre-productions. She has tackled her tasks with energy and enthusiasm. She is personable and easy to work with, Efficient, good at details. A problem solver. And a good manager.

The Times Group, Tony Leliw

Her agency has helped some of Britain's top Asian actors (excerpted from an interview in 1999).

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